Meteorological station data
The PML meteorological station, situated on the south-west corner of the building roof, consists of a Hygroclip S3 temperature and humidity sensor housed in a radiation shield, a Mierij Meteo solid state wind sensor (MMW-005), a Chelsea instruments half-hemisphere PAR sensor, a Li-Cor pyranometer (LI-200SZ) and an Omni Instruments 6" tipping bucket raingauge (RG200). The data are logged every 5 minutes using a Pace Scientific XR5 data logger. The real-time rainfall data is likely in error - the correct values will be displayed after a time lag of approximately 24 hours. The meteorological station is sheltered from winds in the north-east and underestimates winds from this quarter. To use these data please contact Dr Tim Smyth.
Wind sensor currently not operational
Summary of the data
Sorry the data for today is not available. |
Data plots
Temperature & Humidity | Wind Speed & Direction |
Pressure | PAR & Solar Irradiance |
Rainfall | |
Click here to view the raw data.
Click here to view Sunphotometer data available for 02/08/23
Archived data
Select a date to view archived data. Underlined numbers shows data is avaliable.