Year - year Jd - Julian (serial) day Time – Time (Hour.minute – i.e. 9.10 is 09:10) Dyear – decimal year Lat – latitude (N +ve) Lon – longitude (E +ve) nw – number of WQM measurements (temperature, salinity, oxygen, fluorescence, turbidity) taken to calculate average / standard deviation nc – number of CDOM measurements taken to calculate average / standard deviation nn – number of nitrate measurements taken to calculate average / standard deviation nm – number of meteorological measurements taken to calculate average / standard deviation np – number of hyperspectral irradiance profile measurements taken to calculate average / standard deviation SST – Sea-surface Temperature (degC) SST_sd – standard deviation of SST (degC) Sal – Salinity (PSU) Sal_sd – standard deviation of salinity (PSU) Oxy - Oxygen (uM) Oxy_sd - standard deviation of oxygen (uM) Chl - chlorophyll (mg/m3) Chl_sd - standard deviation of chlorophyll (mg/m3) SPM - Turbidity (NTU) SPM_sd - standard deviation of turbidity (NTU) CDM – CDOM (QSU – Quinine Sulphate Units) CDM_sd - standard deviation of CDOM (QSU) Nit - nitrate (uM) Nit_sd – standard deviation of nitrate (uM) Prs – atmospheric pressure (mb) Prs_sd – standard deviation of atmospheric pressure Ta – air temperature (degC) Ta_sd - standard deviation of air temperature Hum – humidity (%) Hum_sd - standard deviation of humidity (%) U – zonal wind speed (m/s) U_sd – standard deviation of zonal windspeed (m/s) V – meridional wind speed (m/s) V_sd - standard deviation of meridional wind speed (m/s) PAR – PAR (W/m2) pH1 – pH (detector 1) pH2 – pH (detector 2)