Meteorological station data
The PML meteorological station, situated on the south-west corner of the building roof, consists of a Hygroclip S3 temperature and humidity sensor housed in a radiation shield, a Mierij Meteo solid state wind sensor (MMW-005), a Chelsea instruments half-hemisphere PAR sensor, a Li-Cor pyranometer (LI-200SZ) and an Omni Instruments 6" tipping bucket raingauge (RG200). The data are logged every 5 minutes using a Pace Scientific XR5 data logger. The real-time rainfall data is likely in error - the correct values will be displayed after a time lag of approximately 24 hours. The meteorological station is sheltered from winds in the north-east and underestimates winds from this quarter. To use these data please contact Dr Tim Smyth.
Wind sensor currently not operational
Summary of the data
No data avaliable for 11/09/03
Click here to view Sunphotometer data available for 11/09/03
Archived data
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